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Brazilian Lymphatic Massage

Experience a rejuvenating transformation with the Brazilian Lymphatic Massage - a deeply therapeutic treatment designed to stimulate your body's lymphatic system, promote natural detoxification, and enhance overall wellness. This specialized massage not only helps shape and tone your body but also offers profound health benefits that go beyond skin deep. The Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage method was born in Brazil's beauty-obsessed culture in the late 20th century. Developed by physiotherapists, it targets the lymphatic system, a crucial part of the body's detoxification process, and uses gentle, rhythmic movements to stimulate natural lymph flow.

Still popular today, it stands as a testament to its effectiveness in promoting detoxification, reducing swelling, bloating, and cellulite. It aids in removing toxins and waste from the body, and in regulating fluid balance, thereby promoting overall well-being. Its benefits and the feeling of rejuvenation it imparts have made it a staple in wellness routines worldwide.

  • Detoxification: The Brazilian Lymphatic Massage stimulates your lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of toxins and waste from your body.

  • Boosts Immune System: By supporting lymphatic function, this treatment can help improve your immune system's effectiveness, leading to better health and well-being.

  • Reduces Bloating and Water Retention: The massage helps reduce water retention and bloating in the body, especially in the abdomen, midsection and lower body.

  • Improves Circulation: The method improves blood and lymph circulation, providing more oxygen and nutrients to the cells and promoting healthier skin and tissues.

  • Enhances Body Shape: The Brazilian Lymphatic Massage can assist in contouring your body, giving it a more defined and toned appearance.

  • Promotes Relaxation: Not only does this treatment promote physical benefits, but the gentle massage movements also provide relaxation and stress relief.

  • Enhances Overall Wellness: The Brazilian Lymphatic Massage can enhance your overall wellness by increasing metabolism, improve sleep quality and combat the affects of burnout and jetlag from recent travels.

Embark on your journey towards enhanced health and beauty with Brazilian Lymphatic Massage - a gentle yet powerful therapy that nurtures your body from within, promoting a radiant outward glow.


The Brazilian Lymphatic Massage can be applied to the entire body, including arms, legs, abdomen, back, and face. It is particularly beneficial for areas prone to swelling and fluid retention.


Brazilian Lymphatic Massage uses precise, rhythmic strokes to stimulate the lymphatic system, which consists of a network of vessels and nodes that carry fluids throughout the body. The massage directs these fluids towards the lymph nodes, where toxins and waste products are naturally eliminated from the body.


During the treatment, your therapist will use gentle, rhythmic movements, applying slight pressure to direct lymphatic flow. The session is typically very relaxing, and many clients even fall asleep. After the treatment, you may feel lighter and experience a sense of overall well-being. Some people also notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of cellulite and water retention.


A Brazilian Lymphatic Massage session generally lasts between 75 to 90 minutes. For maximum results, a series of sessions is recommended. The exact number will depend on your individual needs and goals, but many clients start seeing noticeable results after 3 to 5 sessions. Regular treatments (for example, once a week or once every two weeks) can help maintain these results and continue to support lymphatic function and overall health.